Field tests
1.6 Sand Cone field density test
This test is carried out on all compacted soil layers to determine its field density and determine the degree of compaction by reference to the maximum dry density determined from the laboratory compaction test. The speedy Moisture Content device is used together with the field density device to determine the percentage of humidity during the execution of the test and the speed of decision-making successfully or compaction failure in an instant manner.
2-6 Dynamic Plate Loading test
The (Light Weight Deflectometer LWD) device is used to perform dynamic loading tests. One of the features of this device is to give immediate results of compaction efficiency when testing layers to a depth of up to 40 cm. This device is suitable for different soil types with a grain diameter of up to 63 mm, which saves effort and money compared to the standard sand cone test.
3-6 static Plate Loading test
This test is performed on the replacement soil to determine the degree of compaction, as well as, on normal soil at the foundation level to ensure the permissible soil stress. It is also considered one of the most important tests that determine the soil reaction coefficient (Sub-grade Reaction). This test can be performed using different diameters of 30 cm, 50 cm, 70 cm according to the thickness of the replacement layer to be tested or the maximum stress of the test to be reached.
4-6 non-destructive tests of piles (Sonic Integrity Test).
It is known that the quality of hollow-bore piles and their conformity to the design depends mainly on the method of execution. Consequently, there are many ways in which the efficiency of piles can be checked, including the Integrity Test. The test is characterized by ease, speed of its procedure and low cost, where it is possible to test from 20 to 50 piles per day. Also, it is possible to determine the integrity of the piles from the occurrence of detachment of a part of it, and sometimes the length of the pile can be determined.
5-6 Dilatometer Test, DMT
This test is considered one of the modern tests, which is distinguished from similar field tests such as the cone Test, due to its small dimensions, as well as testing a relatively large area of soil. Through this test, the most important soil variables can be estimated such as the coefficient of lateral Earth pressure at rest (Ko), as well as the coefficient of soil compaction Es, the degree of consolidation OCR, shear resistance Cu, permeability coefficient K, as well as the classification of the soil and its total density. Recent studies have also proved that using this device, it is possible to estimate the Shear wave velocity of the soil, through which it is possible to estimate the dynamic properties of the soil, which are included in the design of facilities to resist earthquakes, as well as the property of soil liquefaction.
6-6 Dynamic Cone Penetration Test, DCPT
It is especially suitable for use in soil exploration in large areas. It is used in testing the compaction quality of non-cohesive soils (Sandy) and is used to determine the level of layers and their resistance as well as soil properties with depth at the test site, IT is also used in the design of concrete foundations and calculation of bearing forces of surface foundations. The test is economical, fast, and gives soil resistance with shear, which helps to determine the change in the type of soil or the degree of compaction. It can be used in layers with bulging or collapsing qualities. It is also used in the case of sandy soils that are impermeable by the static cone.